Using the equipment
Mobarrow - variant without brake
Apparatus is switched to freewheel (mode OFF)
General use
When going downhill use your physical strength to control rate of travel.
Make sure the control blocking of freewheel is in 'OFF' mode - The control freewheel
OFF position (pic. n. 1).
pic. 1- off recuperation
Grip the handles of Mobarrow, lift from stand, move forward then start motor by turning
right handle to the left - see. pic. n.2
pic. 2 -
control on the handle
w will start when
the motor becomes engaged.
If you wish to stop the motor from driving, turn back the trigger part of the handle then
Mobarrow becomes stabilized.
A ticking sound can be heard inside free-wheel when working without motorised
assistance this indicates the free-wheel has engaged and is working properly.
It is possible to recharge the battery via the travelling wheel when going downhill.
Engagement of the motor in this mode also assists with braking in the same way
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