Lenox® Lockers (includes Cubby & “Z” Lockers)
Bradley Corporation • LK-INSTR-001 Rev. K; EN 07-1303
Installation Instructions continued . . .
Step 2: Optional Corner Filler Installation
NOTE: Corner fillers are designed to fill gaps in corners (a corner filler is shown in Figure 3a on
page 6). They are attached to the locker with the #10-24 male and #10-24 x 1/2" female sex bolts
NOTE: Be sure to attach the filler to the proper side of the locker per your submittal layout.
1. Align the filler to the locker top and front and temporarily clamp in place.
2. Using the holes in the filler as a template, drill four 9/32" dia. holes through the locker as shown
in Figure 2.
3. Secure the filler to the locker with the #10-24 male and #10-24 x 1/2" female sex bolts provided.
Figure 2
#10-24 SEX
#10-24 x 1/2"