7 Preparation
MN031-543-S0 EN
TissueSeal / TissueSeal PLUS COMFORT
Suitable cleaning agents
Ensure that the selected cleaning agent system fulfils the
following requirements:
The cleaning agent is suitable for the ligation instrument.
If thermal disinfection is not used, a suitable disinfection
agent with proven effectiveness (e.g. DGHM or FDA
approval or CE mark) and compatible with the cleaning
agents is also used.
The chemicals that are used are compatible with the
instrument components (see section 7.11, page 30).
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions with regard to the
concentration and exposure time of the cleaning and disinfection
Cleaning and disinfection
Risk of damage to the HF cable due to incorrect
placement in the CDM!
Ensure that the HF cable is not kinked or pinched.
Place the instrument components in the CDM. Ensure that:
the instrument components are positioned to allow
exposure to the rinsing media;
clean the handle in the unlatched position,
the HF cable is located in a sieve tray with a cover.
Restart the program.
After the program is finished, remove the instrument components
from the CDM.