Tachy Mode to Off.
To prevent inappropriate shocks, ensure that the pulse generator’s Tachy Mode is
programmed to Off when not in use and before handling the device. For tachyarrhythmia detection and
therapy, verify that the Tachy Mode is programmed to M Therapy.
Atrial oversensing.
Take care to ensure that artifacts from the ventricles are not present on the atrial
channel, or atrial oversensing may result. If ventricular artifacts are present in the atrial channel, the
atrial lead may need to be repositioned to minimize its interaction.
ATR entry count.
Exercise care when programming the Entry Count to low values in conjunction with
a short ATR Duration. This combination allows mode switching with very few fast atrial beats. For
example, if the Entry Count was programmed to 2 and the ATR Duration to 0, ATR mode switching could
occur on 2 fast atrial intervals. In these instances, a short series of premature atrial events could cause
the device to mode switch.
ATR exit count.
Exercise care when programming the Exit Count to low values. For example, if the
Exit Count was programmed to 2, a few cycles of atrial undersensing could cause termination of mode
Proper programming without an atrial lead.
If an atrial lead is not implanted (port is plugged instead),
or an atrial lead is abandoned but remains connected to the header, device programming should be
consistent with the number and type of leads actually in use.
Left ventricular lead con
Proper programming of the LV coronary venous Lead Con
is essential for proper LV lead function. Program the Lead Con
guration in accordance with the number
of electrodes on the LV lead; otherwise, erratic LV sensing, loss of LV pacing, or ineffective LV pacing
might occur.
Left Ventricular Protection Period (LVPP).
Use of a long LVPP reduces the maximum LV pacing
rate and may inhibit CRT at higher pacing rates.