2-2.3 Check Air Filter
(1) Loosen the butterfly nut, take the cover of
the air filter off and take the air filter out.
2-2.4 Checking the Generator
Before starting the generator, make sure the
air switch is in the “off” position. Starting the
generator with the switch in the “on” position
is very dangerous. The generator should be
grounded in order to prevent electric shock.
Use dry compressed air (with pressure about
1.96 x 105 Pa) to blow the dust out in the
electric control cabinet and at the surface
of the generator. Check to see how clean
the surface of the sliding ring is. Check the
pressure of the carbon brush. Also, check
whether the position of the carbon brush
at the slide rig is correct and the fixture is
reliable with a good contact. According to
the electric wiring diagram, check to see
whether the connecting wire is correct and
the connection is firm. Use a 500MΩ meter
to measure the insulation resistance of the
electrical part. The resistance should be less
than 2MΩ. When measuring devices, make
sure the capacitor is turned off. Otherwise,
it will burn the capacitor. (For silent set, the
inspection may not be carried out).
2-2.5 The Fuel and Oil
The fuel and oil in a new engine is drained
before sold. Before you start the engine,
please fill the fuel tank and oil first. Then,
check to see if there are air bubbles in the
engine. If there are, follow the procedure:
Loosen the connecting nut between the oil
injection pump and oil pipe. Bleed the air from
the system until there are no more bubbles.
Then replace the connecting nut and tighten
Do not use detergent to wash the air filter.
When the performance of the engine
decreases or when the color of the exhaust
gases is bad, exchange the filter. Never start
the engine without air filter as foreign objects
may enter the intake and damage the engine.
(2) After replacing the air filter, replace the
cover and tighten the butterfly nut firmly.