2-1.5 Other Safety Points
Before operating this generator, all operators should have a good knowledge of how to break
the circuit if any accidents occur. Also, all operators should be familiar with all the switches and
functions of the generator before using this machine. While operating the generator, wear safe
shoes and suitable clothes during operation. Always keep children and animals away from the
2-1.6 Battery
The electrolytic liquid of the battery contains sulfuric acid. In order to protect your eyes, skin and
clothing, wear protective gear when working with the battery. If you come in contact with the
electrolytic liquid, wash it immediately with clean water. Also, if they electrolytic liquid comes in
contact with your eyes, see a doctor immediately.
NOTE: When connecting devices to the generator, make sure all other devices are rated
lower than the generators output. Any generator socket should not be overloaded over its
regulated limit.