Boschetti Industrie Meccaniche srl
Ver. 01/2019
Only a professional qualified technician is authorized to install the gas devices.
The installation must be carried out in conformity of:
- the current laws prescription;
- the laws in force about gas domestic installation;
- the direction for exhaust gases;
- the national and municipal laws.
Before installing the device check if it received in proper condition; in case of defects please contact the supplier.
The packaging must be kept away from children as they may be very dangerous. These parts have to be disposed
according to the local laws.
The place for the installation must respect all the condition listed in the laws in force about gas plants for domestic use
supplied by a distributing net - Projecting, installation and maintenance. A correct aeration must be guaranteed through
permanent right-dimensioned hole.
Wall fixing
It’s important to respect the general safety regulations required by current laws.
The wall must be of a non flammable material, otherwise is required a proper insulation.
Apply and anchor to the wall two wall-fixing element that must be correctly sized computing an adequate safety margin.
Then, hang the water heater on the wall hooking the support bracket on the previously installed fixing-wall elements. It
is recommended to carefully check the solidity of wall and place the water heater in a level with the aid of a level tool.
Picture 1
Wall fixing