Presented by Bob Pattengale
1-800-71-TRAIN (1-800-718-7246) OR www.auto-video.com
What Is The Difference
One common question that is asked is “What is the difference between the gM MDI and the
Bosch Mastertech vCI”.
The gM MDI was designed to be the factory scan tool for all gM vehicles. gM is not concerned
about working on other makes of vehicles such as Ford, honda or Toyota. The gM MDI supports
gM protocols 8192 UART, Class 2 (J1850 vPW), kWP2000, gMlAN (sW/DW). The Mastertech
vCI adds non-gM protocols J1850PWM, IsO9141-2, DDl2, kW71, kW81, kW82, h92, h95, h99,
Ford DCl, Chrysler sCI, Chrysler CCD, etc. It is also important to note that the Mastertech vCI will
run gM dealer apps, but not vice-versa.
gM MDI vs The MAsTeRTeCh vCI
setting Up The gDs software And gM MDI Manager
There are two pieces of software that are needed to use the MDI. The MDI Manager and the gDs
software. The MDI Manager software is responsible for testing the MDI and making sure it is
operating correctly. The MID Manager is also where you would set up a wireless network to
communicate with the MDI as well as updating the firmware in the MDI.
MDI and gDs Background
MDI is an interface between the vehicle DlC and a PC (by wired UsB, wired ethernet, wireless
ethernet ) and TIs2web. It can be used for sPs programming on existing and future sgM
vehicles. It is required for diagnostics on new sgM global A electrical Architecture vehicles
Used with TIs2Web, gM global Diagnostics system (gDs), sPs and MDI Manager software
allows for gDs diagnostics.
gM Multiple Diagnostic Interface (MDI)
* All current and most legacy vehicle protocols: UART , kW2000, ClAss2, gM lAN, etc.
* Needed for global A Architecture vehicles.
* supports service Programming system (sPs).
* Passthrough programming on past model and global A vehicles.
* supports PC-Based diagnostics with rollout of the global Diagnostic system (gDs) application
Includes Flight Recorder Mode.
global Diagnostic system (gDs)
* PC-based software diagnostics.
* DTCs, Diagnostics, Data Display & visualization, Device Controls, special Tests, Flight
Recorder management, etc.
* gDs is software which runs on a specific PC. Updates received via the Web.
* Multiple display options. More space for diagnostics. session management for multiple