Presented by Bob Pattengale
1-800-71-TRAIN (1-800-718-7246) OR www.auto-video.com
lighting systems
With regards to the lighting systems, a
common customer complaint may be that the
turn signal is not working or maybe the dome
light is not working.
For our demonstration we will focus on the
interior lamps of the vehicle.
We have entered the Interior lamps function
and once again, you can see that there is an
On and Off tab at the bottom of the screen.
By clicking the On button, we can command
the interior lights of the vehicle to illuminate. If
the light illuminates during this test, we can be
fairly sure that the problem the customer is
having is not related to the bulb, module or the
wiring. We need to focus on inputs such as the
door switch.
To test the turn signals we can select either the
lF or RF turn signal option from the menu.
Once again, you can see that you have the
option to command the turn signal On or Off.
Commanding it On should cause the turn
signal bulb to illuminate.