RE 22340-B1/11.12 | M-...S...SO711/712
Bosch Rexroth AG
Transport and storage
6 Transport and storage
For transporting and storing the product always observe the environmental condi-
tions specified in the technical data.
6.1 Transporting the product
Directional seat valves from Bosch-Rexroth are high-quality products. In order
to prevent damage at the directional seat valve, transport the directional seat
valves in the original packaging or with equivalent transport protection.
For information on the transport of the product please refer to chapter 6
of RE 07600-B.
6.2 Storing the directional seat valve
The directional seat valve is supplied in good order and condition.
For transporting and storing the product always observe the environmental
conditions specified in the technical data. Improper storage may damage the
directional seat valve.
The directional seat valve is suitable for storage for up to 6 months under the fol-
lowing conditions:
Do not store the directional seat valve outdoors but in a well-ventilated room.
Protect the directional seat valve against humidity, particularly ground humid-
ity. Store the directional seat valve in the shelf or on a pallet.
Store the directional seat valve in the original packaging or comparable pack-
aging in order to protect it from dust and dirt.
All connections at the directional seat valve must be covered with closing elements.
After opening the transport packaging, it must be closed properly again for the
storage. Use the original packaging for storage.
Remove the covers at the hydraulic connections of the directional seat valve
only before the assembly.
In case of storage of more than six months or in case sea transport is neces-
sary, please consult Bosch Rexroth.