3 | System
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Bosch Motorsport
3 System
The e-GoKart System combines traditional karting and future-oriented technology. High
energy and power density of the air-cooled system components are ideal for small and
lightweight vehicles like e-GoKarts. With high torque, the e-GoKart System supports con-
vincing driving behavior and fun-to-drive. The e-GoKart System provides high power over
a wide range for maximum vehicle speed. By intelligent software, the e-GoKart System
gets the best out of the vehicle at any time and any driving profile, energy recuperation
included. The system is safe and reliable based on automotive qualified components and
a development approach according to automotive standards. The e-GoKart System is a
platform for easy scalability over different vehicle classes and types.
3.1 System Description
The BOSCH MOTORSPORT e-GoKart System perfectly harmonizes components for an
easy and fast electrification and a unique driving experience. Therefore several compon-
ents are connected in a system context to form a high performance system to meet the
needs of the CUSTOMER.
The following figure shows schematically the BOSCH MOTORSPORT e-GoKart System
components in a typical electric rental kart application: Power Unit PU 5-10, Energy Stor-
age ES 5-2.4 (48 V lithium-ion battery pack(s)), Vehicle Control Unit VCU MS 40, Charger
Energy Storage CH 5-1.2, DC/DC converter and Display Unit DDU 18. All these compon-
ents are combined and connected to the BOSCH MOTORSPORT e-GoKart System to
provide optimal performance for the CUSTOMER vehicle.
Illustration 2:
Overview of the BOSCH MOTORSPORT e-GoKart System components