D8125 Operation and Installation Guide
Page 44
© 2004 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
If some POPITs are missing and some POPITs are present on the same Zone Expansion Loop, check the
polarity of the data loop connecting the “missing” POPITs. POPITs with reversed polarity cannot be polled by
the D8112G.
Certain revision 17.07 D8112G Control/Communicators may not detect POPIT faults even when all
programming and wiring has been properly completed. Bosch Security Systems has developed two solutions
to this problem:
1). Restore all POPITs to a normal condition (close all doors and windows), and then disable and restart
the system.
2). Fault a POPIT into a trouble condition (as determined by the master zone code). The D1252A
Command Center displays the faulted condition and the system responds to the POPITs.
3). If unable to resolve the problem, contact Bosch Security Systems Technical Support.
Keep all Zone Expansion Loops away from all AC current sources (fluorescent lights, high-voltage
transformers, motors, etc.) or sources of RF interference. AC induction or RF interference may occur when a
ZONEX system is installed in or near the following:
Radio station transmitter site or other broadcast station
Ham radio transmitter site
Computer network system
Heavy machinery and motors
PBX telephone system
Welding shop
High voltage electrical equipment or transformers
Public service (police, fire department, etc.) using radio communications
When wires must be run close to electrical lines, fluorescent fixtures or telephone cabling
If shielded cable is used, verify that the drainwire is connected only to Terminal 4 on the D8112G1/G2. Verify
that each splice on the shielded backbone has the drainwires soldered together and isolated from ground.