User Documentation
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P_20210203.docx | 10.02.2021
Assuming you have two controllers (1x master and 1x slave) in use and have set up
a controller network. The rotary coding switch on the master controller is set to posi-
tion 0 (= master) and on the slave controller to position 1 (= slave 01). You have in-
stalled and configured a heating circuit module in slot 1 on the slave controller. If
you now want to access the current flow temperature of heating circuit 1 from the
slave controller, for example, you can calculate the address as follows:
𝑀𝑜𝑑𝑏𝑢𝑠𝐴𝑑𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑆𝑙𝑎𝑣𝑒 = 102 + (1 ∗ 500) = 602
The Modbus address for the current flow temperature at heating circuit 1 is
at input register 102 at the master controller.
The position of the rotary coding switch on the slave controller is set to 1.
The position is multiplied by 500 and added to the master Modbus address
of the corresponding data point.
The calculated address for requesting the current flow temperature of heat-
ing circuit 1 from the slave controller via the master controller is located on
input register 602.
If you now request the calculated address (input register 602) at the master con-
troller, you will receive the current flow temperature of heating circuit 1 from the
slave controller.
You will find the already calculated addresses of all positions of the rotary
coding switch (slave 01-15 corresponds to the position of the rotary coding
switch 1-15) also in the Modbus TCP/IP data point list.
If you have connected one boiler each at the master and slave controller,
you need a cascade module at the master controller to control both boilers
via Modbus TCP/IP. If you have not installed a cascade module at the mas-
ter controller and have set up a controller network, the boiler at the slave
controller is blocked by the master controller. If you do not want to use the
cascade module, you must implement the cascade functionality in your build-
ing management system. In this case, you must use both control devices as
masters (no control device network may be created).
Control via Modbus TCP/IP in combination with Logaflow HSM
You can operate the control unit in a network with the Buderus Logaflow HSM plus
modular system. For this, you need a connection between the master controller and
at least one HSM plus device. You can then access the data points of the HSM plus
via the master control device. The behavior of the controller, whether it is to function
as master or slave, is set via the rotary coding switch on the controller. Further infor-
mation can be found in the documentation "Service manual for the specialist -