User Documentation
© All rights with Robert Bosch GmbH, also for the case of protected rights applications
P_20210203.docx | 10.02.2021
Parameters to
be selected
Modbus TCP/IP
(Factory setting:
The controller activates the Modbus
TCP/IP functionality, which is necessary for
data transfer.
Modbus communication
With Heart
Beat / Without
Heart Beat
(Factory setting:
The controller uses a Modbus TCP/IP con-
nection with/without heartbeat. For further
information, please refer to the chapter
General Information on Modbus TCP/IP
Heart Beat.
Time overrun
120 to 600 sec-
onds (Factory
setting: 180 sec-
Defines the timeout of the Modbus TCP/IP
heartbeat. If the time is exceeded until a
new counter value is received, an error
message is generated.
Write access
On (Factory set-
ting: On)
Enables write access via Modbus TCP/IP
and is therefore a prerequisite for external
setpoint setting via Modbus TCP/IP.
Providing data from substa-
On (Factory set-
ting: Off)
Activates the provision of data from internal
control components as well as from substa-
tions connected via Modbus TCP/IP. This
parameter must always be activated for
communication via Modbus TCP/IP!
Heat request only via Modbus
(Only valid until Firmware
(Factory setting:
If activated, a heat request can only be ac-
cepted via Modbus TCP/IP. Heat require-
ments that may be generated by built-in
function modules are not taken into ac-
count. For further information, please refer
to the chapter "Information about parame-
ter “Heat requirement only via Modbus”".
Note: This parameter is only valid until
Firmware 1.2.7.X.
Address assignment
Static / DHCP
If you do not have a DHCP server in the
machine-network, select static for the ad-
dress assignment and then set the IP ad-
dress, the network mask and the gateway -
otherwise you can select DHCP. Hint:
The limitation of the IP address is that you
are not allowed to use the IP address
range 172.31.42. X because it is used for
internal purposes of the regulation.
Activate Modbus compatibility
for Firmware lower 1.3.6
(Factory setting:
Activates or deactivates the Modbus-com-
patibility mode. Please, use this mode only,
if you already a controller to version 1.2.7.
X head via Modbus TCP/IP by your GLT.
Provided that the Modbus-compatibility
mode was activated, you can Reuse the
old Modbus data points / activation without
any change in your existing solution.