Indicates the battery is over-charge, and the UPS would be
transfer to Battery mode
Indicates low battery and imminent shutdown of the UPS.
Indicates the battery is charging
Indicates the battery is discharging
UPS status Information
Indicates UPS operating status including the operating
mode, or warnings or faults on the UPS, the codes are
described in detail in the following chapter *
Indicates the UPS is working in bypass mode, the load is
directly supplied by the input mains power through bypass
Indicates the UPS is working normally in online mode
Indicates the UPS is working in battery mode
Indicates the UPS is working in fault mode
Indicates there are warnings that need attention
Indicates there are no warnings or fault conditions
UPS setting Information
The value with the bullet on the left hand side indicates the
output voltage. This can be changed on request or by Borri
service engineers. A de-rating of 10% should be applied if
the output voltage is adjusted to 208VAC