1.5 UNDIM Command.
A GPIB command, UNDIM, is added to reset the screen saver without touching the panel
or re-loading the color table. This is helpful in remotely controlled applications.
2.0 Changes
2.1 Instrument Setup Save/Recall change.
The instruments setup save and recall system has been modified to save a binary file
instead of an ASCII file. The binary file is smaller and more comprehensive and is
identical to the internal save/recall format. The new file has the extension .ISU. For
customers with existing .INS files the ability to read an .INS file is still present, but new
features will not be available using this method. Existing files should be converted by
reading the .INS files and saving them as .ISU. The file directory is modified to display
.ISU files. The GPIB commands are not affected.
2.2 GPIB command *OPT? change.
An installed hardware options list has been appended to the *OPT? GPIB command
format previously used. For example, a single channel instrument with Option 04
hardware installed and a sensor plugged-in returns:
2.3 Configuration report change.
Installed options are now identified in the Configuration Report. For example:
Spcl>Servicing>Configuration Report
for Option 04 installed reports:
Opt 04 – Trigger Delay by Events installed
2.4 Sensor Temperature Reporting change.
Sensor auto-cal temperature and current temperature readings have been moved from the
to the
Spcl>Ch 1 Sensor>Report
Spcl>Ch 2 Sensor>Report