BKS Terminal Disinfection Robot Product Manual v1.0
BooCax Robotics
QR code deployment
In order to enhance the positioning accuracy of the robot, we designed a QR code scheme
to ensure that the robot's long-term running position is not lost.
The QR code is generally used where the robot positioning is prone to deviation, for example, the
two ends of a long corridor, for example, the two ends of a long corridor, in which case, a QR code
can be pasted at a distance of 15m from the two ends to assist positioning.
Also, In relatively empty scenes, QR Code is also need to assist positioning.
Standard of QR code pasting
Avoid deploying at a place with strong light, incase the strong light will affect the camera
to capture the QR code image
The QR code should be pasted at the same level as the camera
Paste the QR code per the direction of the arrow pointed (marked in below picture)
Replace the QR Code once it is damaged.
Referenced to below
Precautions for QR code
Two same QR codes are not accepted in same environment,
When mapping, the robot stops at the QR code board for 1-2 seconds to ensure that the
QR code is saved,
Same level
Parrel to the