This operation and maintenance manual has been written by the company bonatti and complies
with the machine directive
89/392/cee-91/368/cee-93/44/cee -93-68/cee
and relevant
provisions en 292-1 and en 292-2.
The technical inspection of compliance of the technical documentation and prototype with
the directive and with the harmonized provisions here stated, has been performed by the
company Bonatti
The manual:
Must be always with the
snowplow system -
LSN 1250-LSN 1500-LSN 1750-
LSN 2000 - LSN 2250 - LSN 2500 - LSN 2500 I - LSN 2750 I - LSN 3000 I
- LSN 3250 I
and contains the instructions to perform without any risk all handling
operations, use and maintenance procedures and spare parts replacement.
The operator must well understand this manual before to perform handling operations, use
and maintenance procedures and spare parts replacement.
Unskilled operators or physically unable to understand the instructions here described, may
cause material damages, injuries to third party and can be prejudicial to the safety of the
Any label, notice-sticker, mentioned in this
must be compulsory
replaced by the user or by the owner of the system before they become illegible. They may be
obtained from the
Company Bonatti
( the above mentioned labels and notice-stickers can be
requested by mentioning the CODE number printed on them ).
The manufacturer is not responsible for damages arising from a late replacement of these
labels and notice-stickers.
Should a label, notice-sticker be partly illegible or quite missing, the user or the installer cannot
use the
Snow Blade
until a new lable or notice-sticker has been applied.
The punching mentioned in this manual must not be altered or made illegible.
In This manual three types of safety warnings are used to underline so many risk levels to which is
subjected the maintenance and installation personnel of the handling system.
Symbol of “ DANGER ”
This symbol is used to underline risky situations for the personnel and therefore, to Prevent
serious accidents, that sometime may be fatal.
Symbol of “ CAUTION ”
It is used to underline risky situations for the integrity and the efficiency of the handling system
and therefore many concern also the safety of the people