Boly Trail Cameras – MG984G/ MG983G
Boly Inc. | User Manual
If your country or SIM card provider is not listed, select
“Others”. You will need to ask the SIM card provider for
their specific MMS URL, MMS APN, Port, MMS IP,
Account, Password, GPRS APN, GPRS account, GPRS
password. For email sending, your email service provider
will be able to provide the send email server and port
Note: Once the SD card is inserted into the camera and
the camera is turned on, this file will automatically be
uploaded to the camera and be deleted from the SD card.
3.4 Mobile Applications
When the camera is switched to the ON mode, you can
change some of the basic camera settings through the
mobile application. There are currently apps supported
by Android and Apple devices. Charges or fees may be
incurred through your cellular provider when sending
text messages to the camera.
For Android, you can download the application
directly from our website, under the
For Apple, search BGTools in the official Apple Apps