Remote Controller
1. MENU, on screen menu display ON/OFF
2. Camera IR ID Selector for Remote Control.
3. AI Features, available when AI button (13#) is pressed. (Not activated, for future use).
4. Positioning Function and Number Buttons
Preset Position Calling and Setting
5. Value adj for Feature Item NO.11.
6. Preset button, to set preset position.
7. Zoom. Telescope and Wide with slow speed.
8. Auto Framing. (Not activated).
9. Direction Control
PAN-TILT direction control
OSD menu navigator
HOME: Home position, confirm button, Enter
Manual Focus, Far, Near
Auto Focus
11. Features Direct Control, work with Value Adjust key +
– to make the feature adjustments.
Gain, Image gain adjustments
Color, Image color saturation adjustments
Black L, Image Black Level adjustments
WB.R, Image White Balance Red adjustments
PT S, Pan/Tilt Speed adjustments
Zoom S, Zoom Speed adjustments
Preset S, Preset Speed adjustments
WB.B, Image White Balance Blue adjustments
WDR, Wide Dynamic Range adjustments
Freeze, To get a frozen image.
B Light, Back Light compensation
OPW, One Push White Balance
12. Video Format Switching, Works with pressing and
holding Fn button.
You can change the video format by keep
pressing the button. (When video format is
changed, the camera would restart and the
screen turns black for few seconds.)
13. AI Mode key (Not activated, for future use)
Press AI button once, then press one of the AI
features (Printed in color blue).
14. Power (Press and hold for 3 second)
Power ON the camera to turn the camera in
operation status.
Power OFF the camera to turn the camera in
standby status.
When the camera is powered OFF, the
camera turns to the back and would be on
standby mode.
When the camera is powered ON, the camera turns to the front.
Powering the camera ON/OFF would not restart the camera.
15. Fn Function Mode key
Press and hold the Fn key, and press one of the function buttons that printed in color brown.
16. Reset button, to cancel preset that has been set.
17. Zoom. Telescope and Wide with fast speed.
18. One Push AF
Press once to focus.
AAA Battery is not included with the remote controller.