The unit is to be maintained under the following schedule:
Table 3.1
Task Description
Visual checking
Once a year
Check for operability
Once a year
Safety Precautions
The unit shall be maintained by personnel qualified for Accident Prevention of Level II or higher.
Maintenance Procedures
3.3.1 Visual checking of the unit includes checks for no mechanical damages, fastening reliability,
and proper condition of connecting wires and contact joints.
3.3.2 To verify the unit operates properly, please follow the instructions of Section 3.4 of this manual.
Testing Operability
Be sure that the unit configuration and wiring are consistent with this manual and the system
design documentation.
While the unit is being tested, all monitored circuits coupled with automated fire-fighting
equipment shall be disconnected from the outputs of the unit and be replaced with the simulators
similar in the load current.
After applying power to the unit, the built-in indicator READY start lighting steady until the
moment the polling loop controller polls the given address. Then the indicator goes to flash slowly.
Remove the cover from the unit and ensure that a tamper alarm message has been received by the
network controller S2000M, Orion Pro, or Sirius (a message on having restored the tamper will come
on elapsing 15 seconds after closing the unit cover).
Further checking of the unit is conducted within the system by sending the unit commands to
control its outputs.
Technical Examination
Technical examination is not applicable for this equipment.
Preservation (Depreservation, Represervation)
Preservation is not applicable for this equipment.
Removing the unit’s PC board from its housing automatically voids the
manufacturer’s warranty