VKR1700/1010 Power Tower Page 2
#40. Carriage Bolt (M8x65 mm) [8 Pieces]
#19. Hex Bolt (M8x35 mm) [2 Pieces]
#41. Hex Bolt (M8x70 mm) [14 Pieces]
#20. Hex Bolt (M8x25 mm) [2 Pieces]
#18. Hex Bolt (M8x65 mm) [4 Pieces]
#21. Screw (M6x65 mm) [4 Pieces]
#22. Screw (M6x20 mm) [2 Pieces]
#37. Large Curved Washer (M8) [12 Pieces] #38. Curved Washer (M8) [4 Pieces]
#36. Curved Washer (M6) [4 Pieces]
#24. Washer (M6) [2 Pieces]
#25. Nylon Nut (M8) [24 Pieces]
Hardware List
The following hardware is used to assemble your unit. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with these
items. Please note some of this hardware is already pre-assembled on the machine. Do not be alarmed if you
see parts on this page that are not included in your hardware packet