Special destinations / map modes
Search area
Across all categories
Several category details
Start search
Name, A-Z search
Points of Interest
? At destination
Points of interest
Searching for specific destinations, e.g., points
of interest, hotels, or gas stations:
1. “Navigation”
2. “Points of interest”
3. Specify “Search destination” and
4. “Start search”
A list of successful hits is displayed.
50 m
Map displays*
Navigation System Professional has the ability to
present several map modes, e. g. a perspective
view in 3D*.
1. “Navigation”
2. “Map”
3. “Perspective view”
4. Call up “Options”.
5. “Settings”
6. “Perspective view in 3D”
Adjusting the map zoom
1. If necessary, move the controller to the right
to change the map display.
2. Select symbol .
3. Turn controller.
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