Service Manual for RESmart
Auto CPAP V1.1
All data in this manual have been verified correctly. It is sufficient for servicing and repairing
this device. If applying this manual on other purpose, the validation should be confirmed by
BMC Medical Co. Other wise, BMC Medical Co. has no responsibility for the result. All
information in this manual is protected by law and regulation. All copyrights are belongs to
BMC Medical Co.
IMPORTANT, CAUTION AND WARNING in this manual are to emphasize dangers to service people.
If do not operate properly, may cause damage to people and environment.
If do not operate properly, may cause damage to instrument.
Important information for servicing and repairing.
Safety Notice
Electric Shock
There is above 100VAC voltage inside this device, please be sure to repair device after power off.
Chemical Safety
There may be risk of virus after touching by patient. Please clean device or wear protective glove
before servicing and repairing. Please deal with the waste according to regulation. Wash hands by
disinfector after operating this device.