Copyright © 2009 Bluworld of Water, LLC. All rights reserved.
Always maintain the water level at least 2” above the water pump but ½” below the hole where the wires
run through. When filling the fountain for the first time, you should be ready to add water to the reservoir
as the fountain begins to circulate the water. The waterfall feature will continuously lose water due to
evaporation which varies depending on the climate, humidity, temperature, etc. The lower the humidity
and the higher the temperature, the faster the water will evaporate. Also, water will evaporate faster in
outdoor fountains as well as larger ones. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT THE WATER LEVEL BE
MAINTAINED AT ALL TIMES. For the first few months of use, you should monitor the reservoir
periodically to determine the rate of evaporation but remember that can vary as the seasons change. A
dipstick can also be created to help you monitor your water levels if you mark it with safe (high) and low
If a pump runs dry the following can happen:
Residue sprayed on waterfall surface
Spraying from manifold delivery system outside of reservoir, possibly even causing damage to
floors and surrounding areas
The manifold distribution bar is located at the top of the panel and can be seen once the header has been
removed. It should be removed, inspected and cleaned every six months or as needed. You can use a pin,
pipe cleaner or small wire to clean any debris from the holes. A long, narrow brush may also be used to
clean the inside of the pipe. CLR or any other similar product may be used with a soft bristle brush to
remove any mineral deposits that may have developed. DO NOT use CLR or Lime Away on any other
part of your fountain as it will damage the finish.
To maximize the lifespan of your filter, be sure to keep the reservoir at the recommended water level.
Remove and thoroughly wash the filter once every three months or as needed.
Over a period of time hard water may cause the glass to develop a hazy or cloudy film on its surface.
When the glass is completely dry, take a dry soft cloth and wipe or buff the surface in circular patterns.
You can use any standard glass cleaner, or a solution of vinegar and water, to aid in the cleaning process.
Protec is the only Bluworld approved product to control mineral deposits and should be used
anytime hard water is used in the fountain
. See bottle for proper instructions on use. As the water
evaporates and new water is added, the concentration of minerals in the water increases. Eventually, the
concentration will become too great for Protec to work properly. Because of this, the water feature should
be drained every three to four months, or when mineral deposits first appear on the glass or frame.
Note: A glass cleaner only is recommended in the upkeep of the glass surface.
You will notice algae by a sour odor and/or slimy substance which can be green, red, black or clear. If this
occurs, remove the rock tray and clean the entire fountain as indicated above. We also recommend that
Fountec be added to the water as directed.
Fountec is the only Bluworld approved product to control
algae and is available directly from Bluworld.