The company BlueUp S.r.l.s. guarantees its products for a period of 12 months from date
of purchase. The purchase must be verified with a valid receipt issued by the dealer (ie.
sales receipt, invoice). In addition, the defective product must be accompanied by a
description of the type of malfunction. The warranty covers defects of conformity and/or
manufacturing defects.
BlueUp S.r.l.s. may, at its sole discretion, replace the defective product or have it repaired.
The costs for shipping the product to BlueUp S.r.l.s. shall be borne by the buyer. In case of
an effective detection of defeccts of conformity and / or manufacturing defects the cost of
shipping the product are borne by BlueUp S.r.l.s.. In case of non-detection of defects of
conformity and / or manufacturing defects or if the functional defects complained of by the
user are not detected as such under verification by BlueUp S.r.l.s., all costs, including the
repair or replacement of the product and its subsequent delivery, will be borne by the
This warranty does not cover the following cases:
1. product used or stored improperly;
2. damage caused by water or moisture;
3. physical and / or electrical related to intentional, negligent or accidental acts;
4. damage caused by force majeure (eg. weather, electrical noise, ...);
5. a state of neglect of the product;
6. damage caused by mechanical, electrical, electronic or software changes made to
the product.
Moreover, the warranty does not cover accessories, such as batteries or power supplies.
In no event BlueUp S.r.l.s. be liable for incidental or consequential damages, including any
lost profits or other economic damages resulting from the use of its products.
BlueUp S.r.l.s.
Loc. Belvedere, Ingresso 2
IT-53034 Colle di Val d'Elsa (SI) - ITALY
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.blueupbeacons.com
BlueUp S.r.l.s. - 2018
V1.0– 26/06/2018