The Ecodesign/ErP Directive (2009/125/EC) lays down new standards for more efficient energy use.
Several regulations are part of the directive, and set mandatory seasonal efficiency targets for sale in the European
The unit therefore, to be CE marked and sold in the EU market, must comply with the minimum requirements imposed
by the regulations in question.
Regarding the Omega Sky Xi range, the reference regulations in the various configurations are:
Regulation 2016/2281, for chillers and heat pumps with Pdesign > 400 kW
Minimum efficiency requirements are imposed through seasonal energy efficiency indices, respectively:
ηsc (SEER) for comfort applications
SEPR for process applications.
As regards the 2016/2281 regulation starting from 1 January 2021, the minimum required efficiency limit will be raised
(Tier 2) compared to the current standard (Tier 1).
With reference to the Omega Sky Xi range, below is a list of concerned regulations relating to the different units in their
various configurations:
Omega Sky Xi:
regulation 2016/2281
Omega Sky Xi OH:
Regulation 2013/813, from size 25.1 to 35.1
As these are heat pumps for heating applications only with P
>400kW, sizes from 40.1 onwards are exempt from
conformity requirements; All OH units are CE marked.
Omega Sky Xi HPW:
Regulation 2016/2281, from size 40.1 to 81.1
Regulation 2013/813, from size 25.1 to 35.1
The tables below give information on the conformity of the units and the seasonal energy performance ratios with regard
to the reference regulation.