A set of rules for communication, sometimes made up of several
smaller sets of rules also called protocols.
RTS Threshold
Transmitters contending for the medium may not hear each other.
RTS/CTS mechanism can solve this " Hidden Node Problem". If the
packet size is smaller than the preset RTS Threshold size, the RTS/CTS
mechanism will NOT be enabled.
A device or system that has been specifically configured to provide a
service, usually to a group of clients.
A network address created by using a subnet mask to specify that a
number of bits in an internet address will be used as a subnet number
rather than a host address.
Subnet Address
An extension of the Internet 32-bit addressing scheme which allows
the separation of physical or logical networks within the single network
number. assigned to an organization. TCP/IP entities outside this
organization have no knowledge of the internal 'subnetting'.
Subnet mask
A 32-bit number to specify which part of an internet address is the
network number, and which part is the host address. When written in
binary notation, each bit written as 1 corresponds to 1 bit of network
address information. One subnet mask applies to all IP devices on an
individual IP network.
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol - An open network
standard that defines how devices from different manufacturers
communicate with each other over one or more interconnected
networks. TCP/IP protocols are the foundation of the Internet, a
worldwide network of networks connecting businesses, governments,
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