Fig. 1
Always properly secure all hoses with hose clamps or appropriate clamping device for the
adapter fittings you are using
before use
. Use hose rated for the pressure and temperature of the wort
and cooling water. Failure to do so can result in a hose coming off during use possibly causing severe
burns and or property damage. See Fig. 1 for typical installation of hoses.
Mounting Bracket:
The unit is supplied with a heavy gauge stainless steel
mounting bracket. It can be installed
facing forward, to the rear, facing up or down to best meet your needs. Install the bracket between the
nuts as shown in Fig. 2 below. Do not mount the unit by the fittings!
Cleaning & Sanitation:
use any cleaner or sanitizer containing
such as bleach. Over time, this will
pit and erode stainless steel. DO NOT use caustic (lye, Drain-o etc) to clean the chiller
these cleanerswill
damage the copper braze material. Powdered Brewery Wash is just as effective and MUCH safer to use.
Any other non-chlorine sanitizer is acceptable to use. Iodophor
or StarSan
(see warning below) both
work very well and do not require rinsing.
Prior to the first use, soak the unit in PBW (Powdered Brewery Wash) with the fittings facing up so all air is
purged from the exchanger and all surfaces get wetted. Rocking the unit side-to-side will purge any
entrapped air. Rinse well and then soak in a solution of your favorite non-chlorine sanitizer. Drain and
allow to drip-dry.
Do not store the unit full of sanitizer
, and do not soak for extended periods in
cleaning solutions (1/2 to 1 hour is usually plenty).
Before each use: If properly cleaned after the previous use, all that is required is to soak the exchanger in a
sanitizing solution. Iodophor, StarSan or similar no-rinse sanitizers work well. Soak it with the fittings
facing up so all air is purged from the exchanger and all surfaces get wetted. Rocking the unit from side to
side will help purge any remaining air from the exchanger. Drain thoroughly.
After each use:
Immediately after use
, rinse the wort side of the
exchanger with hot tap water utilizing a hose/faucet adapter (not
included, but available from Blichmann Engineering as an
accessory item) as shown in Fig. 3. Rinse in the
of normal wort flow first to expel any hop or trub particles that may
have entered the exchanger. Then reconnect and rinse in the
normal wort flow direction. A couple minutes each way is sufficient.
Remove the adapter fittings if used and scrub with a soft brush,
taking care to remove all sealing tape if used. A ½ to 1 hour soak in
hot PBW is recommended after this rinsing to remove any stubborn
deposits and proteins. Rinse thoroughly, then soak the unit in a
Fig. 2
Shown with optional Blichmann Engineering
fittings on the wort in/out.
Fig. 3