3.5 BBL Hybrid Brewhouse 2 Vessel V1
© Blichmann Engineering, LLC 2018
For replacement parts, visit: blichmannengineering.com/genuine-replacement-parts
Lautering (sparging) and vorlauf are both performed using the CIP ball included with the system to gently distribute liquor or wort over
the top of the grain bed. See the image below. Take care to avoid too fast of a runoff which may stick the mash. Note that the level
gauge also acts as a manometer that measures the suction pressure on the grain bed. If the level in the gauge is more than 1/3 lower
than the level in the tank you are drawing too quickly and will soon stick your mash.
Do NOT sparge or vorlauf at full pump flow or you are very likely to stick your mash, and your efficiency will suffer se
Your pumps are equipped with sanitary diaphragm valves that make easy work of balancing your flow rates.
Once the level of the wort in your BK has reached your float switch, turn the corresponding heater control selector switch to
If the boil is too aggressive use the heater selector switch to de-energize one of the heating elements. Note that a proper boil is
between a simmer and a surging boil. Shoot for a 3-5% boil off rate per hour.
To drive off DMS ALWAYS boil with the lid open!
Your mash tun, even though uninsulated, will lose less than 1 F/hr. Rarely do commercial
breweries perform step mashing. Modern malts are highly modified and very little is to be
gained by step mashing. Homebrew kettles, on the other hand, are so small that they lose
heat quickly so temperature maintenance is common (RIMS/HERMS).