Route options
Use this to: (a) configure the default set-
tings which take effect after “Start guid-
ance” has been activated and, (b) set the
position of the cursor.
DSC menu
Return to the DSC menu
Fast route
If “Fast route” is selected and then activat-
ed by pressing the ENT key, the cursor will
automatically be positioned in front of “Fast
route” after the “Start guidance” menu
item has been activated.
Short route
If “Short route” is selected and then activat-
ed by pressing the ENT key, the cursor will
automatically be positioned in front of
“Short route” after the “Start guidance”
menu item has been activated.
This allows you to set optional preferences
for the route calculation which will automat-
ically be set by default if “Individual” is se-
lected as the route calculation option after
“Start guidance”. To do so, move the cur-
sor in front of the required option and con-
firm your selection by pressing the ENT
key. By repeatedly pressing the ENT key,
the selected option can be activated (with)
or deactivated (w/o, i.e. without).