Info menu
Location map
A map is displayed indicating your vehicle’s
current position. The map will be displayed
orientated in the direction of travel using
scales of up to 20 km. At a scale greater
than 20 km, the map will be displayed ori-
entated in the direction in which your desti-
nation lies, and at a scale greater than 100
km the map will be shown orientated in a
northerly direction. The scale can be ad-
justed by pressing the
While your vehicle is stationary:
Return to the info menu by pressing the
ENT key.
While driving:
By pressing the ENT key the destination
information will be displayed for approx.
4 seconds.
Return to the info menu: while the destina-
tion information is being displayed, press
the ENT key again. If navigation is active,
you can switch to the navigation symbol
display by pressing .
Nav menu
Return to the Nav menu.