MP3/WMA mode CCU 02
internal drive
You can also use this radio/control panel to
play CD-Rs and CD-RWs that contain MP3/
WMA music fi les.
Preparing an MP3/WMA CD
The various combinations of CD burners,
CD burning software and CD blanks may
lead to problems arising with the device’s
ability to play certain CDs. If problems oc-
cur with your own burned CDs, you should
try another brand of CD blank or choose an-
other colour of CD blank.
The format of the CD must be ISO 9660
Level 1/Level 2 or Joliet. Other formats can-
not be played reliably.
You can create a maximum of 253 directo-
ries on a CD. You can use this device to ac-
cess each of these directories.
Regardless of the number of directories on
the CD, the device can handle up to 65,535
MP3 fi les on a single CD - even if they are all
stored in one directory.
This device supports as many subdirecto-
ries as your burner software can create de-
spite the fact that the maximum directory
depth defi ned by the ISO 9660 standard
is only 8.
If you like your fi les to be in the correct or-
der, you should use burner software that
places fi les in alphanumerical order.
If your software does not provide this fea-
ture you also have the option of sorting the
fi les manually. For this purpose, you must
enter a number in front of each fi le name,
e.g. "001", "002", etc. The leading zeros
must also be entered.
MP3/WMA mode CCU 02
When creating (encoding) MP3 fi les from
audio fi les, you should use bit rates up to a
maximum of 256 Kbit/sec.
To ensure trouble-free playback, observe
the following notes:
This device can only play MP3 fi les that
have the ".MP3" fi le extension.
Do not try changing the fi le extension to
".MP3" of any fi les other than MP3 fi les
and then attempt to play them! (The de-
vice will ignore these invalid fi les during
Do not use "mixed" CDs containing
both non-MP3 data and MP3 tracks
(the device only reads MP3 fi les during
MP3 playback).
Do not use mix-mode CDs containing
both CD-audio tracks and MP3 tracks.
If you try playing a mix-mode CD, the
device will only play the CD-audio
Starting the MP3/WMA mode
MP3 mode is activated in the same way as
normal CD mode. For further information,
please read the section entitled "Switching
to CD mode" in the "CD mode" chapter.
After the MP3/WMA CD is drawn in,
the playback starts automatically with
the fi rst title in the fi rst directory recog-
nised by the device.
Selecting a directory
Press the button
to se-
lect the next or previous directory.
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