Dish test
Only switch on the microwave if there is food in it. An exception to this rule is a short dish test.
Carry out the following test if you are not sure whether your ovenware is suitable for microwave
1. Heat the empty ovenware at maximum power from 30 seconds to 1 minute.
2. During this time, check the temperature occasionally. The ovenware should be cold or warm
enough to be touched.
The ovenware is not suitable if it becomes hot or sparks are generated.
to set the microwave power.
100 W
Defrosting sensitive foods
Defrosting irregularly shaped food
Thawing ice cream
Rising dough
300 W
Melting chocolate and butter
500 W
cooking rice and soup
700 W
Cooking mushrooms and mussels
Cooking dishes with eggs and cheese
900 W
Boiling water, warming
Cooking chicken, fish, vegetables
• When you touch a button, the selected power will light up.
• The microwave power can be set to 900 watts for a maximum of 30 minutes. With all other
power settings, the maximum cooking time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.