WeaTheR RelaTed safeTy:
loCaTIon RelaTed safeTy
• Learn to use this kite in light weather conditions.
• Avoid offshore winds.
• Use extreme caution when kiting during onshore winds.
• Get information on wind, tidal, and sea current conditions at your
kiting location.
• Be careful of wave conditions.
• Do not use this product in severe weather such as thunderstorms or lightning.
• Never use this product with winds stronger than your ability level.
• Be aware of changing and unpredictable winds.
• Do not use this kite near power lines, telephone poles, airports and streets.
• Keep your kite and flying lines away from people and obstacles.
• Always fly in open and clear area.
• Make sure all spectators and obstacles are upwind of you, particularly
when launching or landing your kite.
launChInG ResponsIbly
flyInG lInes RelaTed safeTy
• Your launch area should be clear of all obstacles.
do noT seT up youR KITe foR a sTRaIGhT doWnWInd launCh!
This will cause the kite to fly through the power window and will endanger
your life and the lives of those around you.
• In most situations, the safest way to launch would be when the kite is
between 90-110˚ from the wind direction (downwind is 180˚ when
the wind is blowing on your back).
• When launching your kite, it is advisable for your partner to hold the bottom
half of the kite. This will ensure the kite does not drag along the ground
at the initial time of launching.
Make sure you launch in a slow and controlled manner.
Launch the kite at an angle,
noT sTRaIGhT doWnWInd!
• Flying lines and bridles can cause serious injury when under tension. Always keep
your lines away from people. NEVER attempt to grab a kite by the lines or bridle.
• Never allow anyone to get in between you and the kite while flying the kite.
Check your flying lines for knots before attempting to connect to the canopy.
Do not make any additional knots in the flying lines, all necessary line
adjustments should be made to the Leading Lines.
Summary of Contents for 2013 LADY FAT
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