(mulTI-valve aIRfloW dIsTRIbuTIon)
mad sysTem - InflaTInG The KITe
Do not over inflate; this may cause damage to the
internal bladder. Do not under inflate; this will cause poor kite performance.
The MAD2 system is Blade’s second generation inflation system. This system
allows inflation of all the bladders through the Leading Edge (LE) valve. The
MAD2 units connect each strut to the LE bladder. The new molded valves
come out in a 90 degree angle out of the bladder. This helps keep the kite’s
aerodynamic flows to the maximum. The new valves are smaller and more
durable to crashes.
• Unroll the kite and turn the kite with its Leading Edge (LE) facing the wind and
struts facing upwards. Make sure you lay the kite on an even surface clear of any
sharp or hard objects.
The first time you unroll your kite you will see that all Bridle Lines are secured
to a strut valve by Velcro.
Release the Bridle Lines.
Secure the wingtips with sand, it is suggested to use more sand than less as
an unsecured kite can become very dangerous.
Before attempting to inflate check proper connection on all MAD2 units.
In addition, make sure all MAD2 clips are open. These clips are located under
neoprene cover, in between the LE and strut. To get familiarized with the MAD2
clips, you can remove the neoprene cover, but it is not required to close and open
the MAD2 clips.
KITe InflaTIon usInG The mad2 sysTem:
adjusTable baR ends
The Uni Control Bar has two bar length settings: 44cm and 52cm. The bar comes
standard from the factory on the 52cm setting. You can easily change the length
in a matter of seconds:
Expose the knots on the leader lines by pulling the float up 20cm.
Untie the Lark’s Head knot from the leader line and pull the line off.
Attach the leader line to the inner knot using the same Lark’s Head knot.
Slide the float on top of the knot.
Summary of Contents for 2013 LADY FAT
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