Measures the speed of vehicles in the
monitored section of road using pressure
sensors in the road surface. If the speed
limit has been exceeded, it takes a
photograph of the rear of the vehicle. Uses
a flash module for night-time operation.
ROAD ANGEL COMPACT relies on up-to-
date database information for detection.
Uses pressure sensors in the road (similar
to Speedmaster – see below) to measure
vehicle speed and photographs the rear of
any speeding vehicle. Not to be confused
with red-light cameras. ROAD ANGEL
COMPACT relies on up-to-date database
information for detection.
Semi-permanent (fixed location but only
used part-time), system that uses pressure
sensors in the road to measure vehicle
speed. Connects to a camera on a tripod
for evidence of any offence. ROAD ANGEL
COMPACT relies on up-to-date database
information for detection.
Black spot
A specific location, identified by the police
and local authorities, where a high number
of accidents have occurred e.g. a difficult
junction. Mobile speed enforcement units
often target black spots. ROAD ANGEL
COMPACT relies on up-to-date database
information to identify black spots.