Monitor Cascade
The monitor cascade feature can be accessed from the ‘information’ symbol on the right side
of the menu name section of Ultimatte Software Control. You can find the setting under the
‘configuration’ tab.
When the monitor cascade feature is disabled, the monitor output will be the view selected
by the monitor out options. For a single Blackmagic Ultimatte unit, the monitor output can be
connected to a video monitor directly. Typically, if there are multiple Blackmagic Ultimatte
units, the monitor output for each unit can be connected to a routing switcher for monitoring
multiple outputs.
Alternately, with multiple Blackmagic Ultimatte units, they can be daisy chained via their monitor
inputs and outputs, with the last unit plugged into a monitor. Then when you select a unit in
Ultimatte Software Control, the monitor output for that unit can be viewed on that monitor. This
is an efficient and powerful way to monitor the output from up to eight Ultimatte units via one
single unit.
To connect four units for cascade monitoring:
Connect each Ultimatte unit to an analog reference source or to foreground sources
that are locked together.
Connect the first unit’s monitor output to the monitor input of the second unit.
Connect the monitor output of the second unit to the monitor input of the third unit.
Connect the monitor output of the third unit to the monitor input of the fourth unit.
Connect the monitor output of the fourth unit to a monitor.
When the monitor cascade feature is enabled, the viewed image on the video monitor
will be of the unit that is selected in Ultimatte Software Control as the currently active
unit. When the unit selection is changed, the image viewed on the video monitor will
change to the monitor out of the selected unit.
On Air Settings
The on air settings let you enable on air indicators for the status bar, LCD display and set your
Ultimatte to lock its controls when the unit is on air.
These controls only work when tally signals are connected to the GPIO input
and properly configured from the external tally generator on all models except
Ultimatte 12 HD Mini. Ultimatte 12 HD Mini can receive tally signals via the HDMI PGM
output or SDI Return input.
On Air
When this button is enabled, the unit indicator in the Ultimatte Software Control status bar
will illuminate red when on air. The unit identification number above its selection button will
also illuminate red.
On Air Lock
When enabled, the on air lock feature will lock all the controls for the unit currently on air.
This helps to prevent any accidental changes to a unit that is live on air.