Turn the matrix off.
Using a USB cable (available separately), plug one end into the FW port on the
matrix rear panel, then plug the other end into a USB port on your computer.
Turn the matrix on. Your computer will automatically detect and recognize a drive
Double click the BOOTDISK drive to view the contents. A file named READY.TXT will
be present.
Copy the 08010000.APP file to the BOOTDISK drive.
Look at the BOOTDISK drive contents again. If the upgrade was successful, the
READY.TXT file will be replaced by a SUCCESS.TXT file. If the upgrade was not
successful, repeat the above steps, including downloading and extracting the
update file.
Unplug the USB cable from the matrix and your computer.
Issue a web GUI or RS-232 command to reset the matrix to the factory default
settings. This will cause the updated firmware to be loaded.
Monoprice is pleased to provide free, live, online technical support to assist you with any
questions you may have about installation, setup, troubleshooting, or product
recommendations. If you ever need assistance with your new product, please come online
to talk to one of our friendly and knowledgeable Tech Support Associates. Technical
support is available through the online chat button on our website www.monoprice.com
or through email by sending a message to [email protected]. Check the website for
support times and links.
To download the latest drivers, firmware, manuals, etc., go to www.monoprice.com and
type the P/N into the search bar. If available, support files are linked at the bottom of the
product page.