Change the password for your BlackBerry email address
If you log in to your account using a user name and password, you do not have a password for your BlackBerry® email address and do not
need to complete this task.
On the BlackBerry® Mail web site, on the Services and Settings web page, click Email Accounts.
2. Under your BlackBerry email address, click Edit.
3. Click Change <your BlackBerry email address> Password.
4. Complete the Old password field.
5. Complete the New password field.
6. Complete the Confirm new password field.
7. Click Save.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK.
Change the secret question and answer for your BlackBerry email address
If you log in to your BlackBerry® Mail account using a user name and password, you do not have a secret question for your BlackBerry
email address and do not need to complete this task.
On the BlackBerry Mail web site, on the Services and Settings web page, click Email Accounts.
2. Under your BlackBerry email address, click Edit.
3. Click Change Secret Question.
4. Complete the instructions on the screen.
5. Click Save.
6. Type the password for your BlackBerry email address.
7. Click OK.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Save.
10. Click OK.
Setup fields for your secret question and answer
Secret question:
Select a predefined secret question for your BlackBerry® email address or create your own secret question for your BlackBerry email
address. Your secret question cannot exceed 100 characters in length.
Secret answer:
Type an answer for your secret question. Your secret answer cannot exceed 100 characters in length and is not case sensitive.
Changing the password, secret question, and answer for your BlackBerry email address