Data type
JavaScript® (internal or external) is transcoded into JavaScript bytecode.
WMLScript is transcoded into compiled WMLScript.
All .gif files are transcoded into .png file format.
If the BlackBerry device does not support native .jpg files, .jpg files are converted
to .png file format.
Java® applications
JAR files are converted into .cod file format.
Content preprocessing and filtering
The BlackBerry® MDS Connection Service and the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing network gateways can check the content
type that a BlackBerry device supports based on the version of the BlackBerry® Device Software that the device is running. The
network gateway preprocesses the HTML, removes any unsupported elements or attributes, and sends the HTML to the BlackBerry
device as it is processed; it does not wait until all the HTML is completely processed. The network gateway retrieves any images
from the content server while it preprocesses the HTML.
The network gateway reads the browser configuration settings on the BlackBerry device to check if the user has turned off support
for markup, such as tables, or external resources, such as JavaScript®, style sheets, or embedded media. If the network gateway
finds that support for a resource is turned off, it does not retrieve the resource and does not send it over the wireless network to
the device, to minimize the use of bandwidth.
Image optimization
The BlackBerry® MDS Connection Service and the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing network gateways check the physical
characteristics of the destination BlackBerry device, and scale the image and reduce the color depth as appropriate.
image size
To reduce the use of bandwidth and improve display, the network gateway scales images. When
the network gateway delivers content for display in Page View, the network gateway scales
images proportionally with the content.
When the network gateway delivers content for display in Column View, the network gateway
scales images in the following ways:
Horizontal scaling: Images are scaled to fit the width of the BlackBerry device screen, less
5 pixels for the scrollbar.
Vertical scaling: Images are scaled to a maximum height of twice the screen height.
Fundamentals Guide
Content optimization by the network gateway