The BlackBerry Browser supports a number of compression algorithms. In general, compressing content targeting the BlackBerry
Browser offers little benefit in terms of reducing data transfer speeds or network traffic; if the content is accessed through the
BlackBerry MDS Connection Service network gateway or the BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing network gateway, the network
gateway unpacks the script before it compiles and recompresses the script for efficient transfer over the wireless network. If you
use compression algorithms that contain the
function, the algorithms can hinder performance; the network gateway
will unpack and recompress the script for transfer, but since the network gateway cannot precompile the enclosed code, the
benefit derived from precompiling on the server side is reduced.
JavaScript support and DOM access
The level of JavaScript® support in the BlackBerry® Browser depends on the version of the BlackBerry® Device Software that the
BlackBerry device is running.
BlackBerry Device
Software version
3.8 to 4.5
In BlackBerry Device Software versions 3.8 to 4.5, the BlackBerry Browser supports JavaScript
version 1.3, subsets of JavaScript versions 1.4 and 1.5, and the ECMA-262 ECMAScript™
Language Specification.
In addition to the built-in JavaScript objects, BlackBerry Device Software versions 3.8 to 4.5
support the following objects:
(introduced in BlackBerry Device Software version 4.1)
4.6 or later
In BlackBerry Device Software version 4.6, the browser's JavaScript engine was redesigned to
provide much greater access to the DOM. The BlackBerry Browser supports most DOM Level
2 specifications, including full support for the following specifications:
DOM Level 2 Core
DOM Level 2 HTML
DOM Level 2 Styles
Fundamentals Guide
Script processing