Focke-Wulf FW190A-
Item code:BH87
C/A glue
C/A glue
1) Using a modeling knife, remove the
covering from the top of the fuselage and the
covering from over the precut hinge slot cut
into the lower rear portion of the fuselage This
slot accepts the lower vertical.
Hinge slot.
Hinge slot.
3. Mark the shape of the vertical on the left
and right side on the rudder using a felt-tip
4. Now, remove the rudder and using a
modeling knife, carefully cut just inside the
marked lines and remove the film of the rud-
der. Just as you did with the horizontal stabi-
lizer, make sure you only press hard enough
to cut the film, not the balsa rudder.
Also carefully remove the covering from
the horizontal fin as below the lines which
you drew as same picture below.
2. Put the rudder into the fuselage as
same as picture below.
Mark point
Remove covering.
Remove covering.