SM500A—Automatic Switching System
Black Box Corporation
8.4.2 Name Ports
To NAME PORTS for a specified chassis:
Click the ‘Select Rack’ drop down list in the main window to select a chassis.
Click the ‘Name Ports’ button. The ‘Name Ports for Rack xxx’ window appears. The IP
address of the chassis is also shown in the window heading.
Enter the names of the ports. Normally, only valid ports are displayed when a chassis is
connected. To display all ports, select the ‘Show All’ check box at the bottom of the
window. This allows the naming of all ports for future use.
Click ‘OK’ when finished.
Figure 8.8. Advanced GUI Based Management, Name Ports window.
8.4.3 Define Groups
To DEFINE GROUPS for a specified chassis:
Click the ‘Select Rack’ drop down list in the main window to select a chassis.
Click the ‘Define Groups’ button. The ‘Define Groups for Rack xxx’ window appears.
The IP address of the chassis is also shown in the window heading.
Click on a ‘Define…’ button to begin selecting channels per group. Up to 16 groups per
chassis may be defined. The ‘Group x Definition for Rack xxx’ window appears. The IP
address of the chassis is also shown in the window heading.