The SHM-B Parallel performs data transmission at bit rates from 1200 to 19,200
baud. It can be configured for either 7- or 8-bit word length and Even, Odd, or
No parity. The SHM-B Parallel features advanced optically-isolated integrated
circuitry, which eliminates damaging ground-loop currents and substantially
reduces signal noise for improved data integrity.
The SHM-B Parallel transmitter/receiver pair requires only two twisted-pair wires
to transmit and receive data. Optimum performance is obtained with 24 or 26
AWG twisted-pair telephone cable, but nearly any twisted-pair cable can be used
with little or no performance degradation.
When operating serial to parallel or parallel to serial, the serial device has
to run hardware flow control. Software flow control (X-ON/X-OFF, etc.) is
not supported.