In the idle condition, the TD and the RD LEDs will light green. When
transmitting, they will light green and red. When the printer cannot accept
any more data, the Busy LED on the transmitter and on the receiver will light
red and the data transmission will stop.
When used for serial-to-parallel data conversion, the Busy LED on the receiver
will light to indicate that the device connected to its parallel port is not ready to
receive data.
3.5 Rack Mounting
The rackmount version will occupy 5.25 inches of vertical rack space.
Connect the cabling to each card according to the procedures in
Section 3.3
. It
is usually easier to feed all of the necessary wires and cables through the rack, then
work with the cards in front of the rack to make the connections. After each card is
wired, it can be inserted into an open slot in the rack. Be certain that the card has
mated with the power pins on the rack before applying force to fully seat the
board; otherwise damage to the card and power pins can result.
When all cards have been wired and plugged into the rack, plug the wall
transformer into its power source.
3.6 Configuration
The SHM-B Parallel can be configured to transmit serial data streams at baud rates
from 1200 to 19,200 bps with 7- or 8-bit word length and Even, Odd, or No parity.
The SHM-B Parallel-R is hardwired for either 1 or 2 stop bits, the transmitter for
2 stop bits. The factory setting is 19,200 baud, 8-bit word length, and No parity.
If you experience signal degradation over long loop distances, you must
reconfigure the SHM-B Parallel to a slower baud rate. Always configure the
transmitter and receiver the same.
The configuration switches are all contained in a single block of DIP switches.
The switch block is located on the printed circuit card, and is labeled SW1.
After removing the card from the case or rack, locate the switch block on the card.
Refer to Figure 3-6 for assistance locating the switch block. To attain the desired
switch settings, follow the steps below:
1. Disconnect the unit from the power supply.
2. Remove the unit from the card rack or standalone case. The standalone
version of both models is shipped assembled in the case with the faceplate