C H A P T E R 1 - M D R 2 9 X R F T R A N S C E I V E R
1 - 8 7 7 - 8 7 7 - 2 2 6 9
w w w . b l a c k b o x . c o m
This document contains information about the hardware and software interface between an Black Box
MDR29x transceiver and an OEM Host. Information includes the theory of operation, specifications,
interface definition, configuration information and mechanical drawings. The OEM is responsible for
ensuring the final product meets all appropriate regulatory agency requirements listed herein before selling
any product.
Note: MDR29x modules will be referred to as the “radio” or “transceiver”. Individual naming is used
to differentiate product specific features. The host (PC, Microcontroller, or any device to which the
MDR29x is connected) will be referred to as “OEM Host”.