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Web Configuration
Click Finish to commit your changes. The browser will prompt the configured parame-
ters and check it before writing into NVRAM. Press Restart
to reboot the LB52xA-KIT
with the new settings. Click Continue to configure other options.
4.5.2 SNMP Administration
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) provides for the exchange of mes-
sages between a network management client and a network management agent for
remote management of network nodes. These messages contain requests to get and
set variables that exist in network nodes in order to obtain statistics, set configuration
parameters, and monitor network events. SNMP communications can occur over the
LAN or WAN connection.
The LB52xA-KIT can generate SNMP traps to indicate alarm conditions, and it relies
on SNMP community strings to implement SNMP security. This LB52xA-KIT support
both MIB I and MIB II.
Click SNMP in the Administration
menu to set up the parameters.
Figure 50.
SNMP Administration page