14.3 Default Async Speed
Asynchronous DTE transmission speed will automatically be negotiated
between the DTE and your ISDN TA/V when the DTE first sends an AT
command to the ISDN TA/V. However, if the first communication between
the ISDN TA/V and the DTE is initiated by the ISDN TA/V, i.e. when the
ISDN TA/V is powered on and the first action is to answer a call, the DTE
transmission speed will be governed by the setting of the command.
57600 bps
38400 bps
19200 bps
14400 bps
12000 bps
9600 bps
7200 bps
4800 bps
2400 bps
1200 bps
600 bps
300 bps
115200 bps
14.4 Setting the Communications Format
The number of data bits, the parity, and the number of stop bits will be
automatically negotiated between the DTE and your ISDN TA/V when the
DTE first sends an AT command to the ISDN TA/V. However, if the first
communication between the ISDN TA/V and the DTE is initiated by the
ISDN TA/V, i.e. when the ISDN TA/V is powered on and the first action is to
answer a call, the communications format will be governed by the setting of
, and
commands, which must echo the communications format
settings within your communication-software program.
14.4.1 N
Defined using the
command as described below:
Seven data bits
Eight data bits
Nine data bits
Six data bits