2.4 A Brief Overview
You connect the ISDN TA/V to your ISDN service line via a rear-mounted
RJ-45 connector, which is fully compliant with ITU standards for the
ISDN S interface. Depending on the nature of the active traffic (data or
voice), this ISDN interface is automatically connected to either the rear
panel mounted 25-pin digital DTE interface, or via the unit’s analogue
circuitry to the telephone handset socket.
The 25-pin female DTE connector is by default configured to conform to
the electrical characteristics of ITU recommendation V.24/V.28 running in
asynchronous data mode, supporting a throughput rate of up to 19200 bps.
Using the AT command language to alter the active configuration, this port
can be configured to operate synchronously conforming to V.24/V.28;
synchronously conforming to ITU X.21 (V.11) at speeds up to 64000 bps
(aggregated channels); asynchronous conforming to ITU X.21 (V.11) at
speeds up to 115200 bps using V.42bis data compression; or
asynchronously/synchronously conforming to ITU V.36 at speeds up to
4800 bps.
A separate
port is provided for optionally entering AT commands
from an attached asynchronous terminal, and for accessing the management
interface of the ISDN TA/V. When the DTE interface is configured to
operate asynchronously (default configuration setting) the
would not normally be used since all commands can be entered via the DTE.
However, AT commands can only be entered asynchronously and a separate
command port is therefore required when the DTE has been configured to
operate synchronously. The CONTROL port operates at 9600 bps.
Industry standard communication software packages can be used to give
error-free data transfer and control. When installed in your PC, the
communication software is used to command the ISDN TA/V to dial and
accept calls etc. There is a wide variety of these software packages available
from computer dealers and computer user groups, the majority of which are
fully compatible with your ISDN TA/V.
A large number of specialised features such as error correction, data
compression, and rate adaption are supported by your ISDN TA/V. For
details of how and where such facilities should be used, and the configuration
requirements of the ISDN TA/V to enact them, refer to Part II, the reference
section of this manual.